Written by Ilan Shamir
41 poems of wordy, witty, worldly, wisdom spread across 128 pages. Ilan has been an artist all his life. He says:
"Moving to a city of high level, art revealed to me that art was so much more than paint on canvas to hang on a wall. It went way beyond the borders of a canvas or even the walls on which it hung. It was the art of creating a life that made sense . . . alive, passionate, expressive. I learned that I am many artists and most of all a word artist. On fire with letters and phrases that arrange daily and look back at me . . . like a friend who is telling the truth. Each morning, first light begins to glow out my courtyard windows and I merely show up and meditate and so begins the day. From this place, poems find me, asking me to bear witness. My hands are guided with ease, the only effort required is trusting that it can be this easy."
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