• Advice from a Mountain Book

    Rs. 12.95

    Advice from a Mountain Book

    We all need help, useful advice to guide us in living a good life. Here the mountain encourages us to reach high and rock our world. To leave no stone unturned and let your words be uplifting and strong. Rise above any doubts or limitations that keep you from living each day with joy as the mountain shares its timely wisdom to help you stand in strength and live your true nature. Includes entire poem as well as sections on living your true nature, caring for the earth and journal pages and prompts to make this book both inspirational and educational. In addition to being printed on recycled paper, to further repay the Earth in kind for it's generosity, five new tree seedlings are planted through the nonprofit Trees Water & People for each 217 lbs of paper used



    © 2016 Your True Nature, Inc. V2
    Type Books and Music
    Tags Mountain

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